Retrouvez toutes les parutions de l’Alerte-Gentianes dans la presse depuis 2009. Explorez nos archives pour découvrir les articles, interviews, et reportages qui ont marqué l’histoire de notre club.

Cliquez sur le titre d’un document pour le consulter, ou sur le bouton “Download” pour l’enregistrer.

Image Title Link

thumbnail of 2015-03-18_regionales de danse

thumbnail of 2020-11-02_DL_19-stage-GAF

thumbnail of 2020-06-08_interview–Herve

thumbnail of 2020-06-08_interview

thumbnail of 2020-02-04_gym

thumbnail of 2019-12-28_soupe

thumbnail of 2019-12-23_soupe1

thumbnail of 2019-12-23_Noel

thumbnail of 2019-12-11_DL–gym

thumbnail of 2019-12-05_DL–gym

thumbnail of 2019-11-19_DL–AG

thumbnail of 2019-08-25_DL_sp-vac

thumbnail of 2019-06-30_gala

thumbnail of 2019-06-24_demo

thumbnail of 2019-06-24_annonce gala

thumbnail of 2019-06-19_ gaf

thumbnail of 2019-06-14_danse

thumbnail of 2019-06-11_gam

thumbnail of 2019-06-08_Chant

thumbnail of 2019-06-04_gala-vero

thumbnail of 2019-05-28_Gam

thumbnail of 2019-05-22_Gym

thumbnail of 2019-05-21_danse

thumbnail of 2019-04-30_gym

thumbnail of 2019-04-29_stages vac

thumbnail of 2019-04-28_stages vac

thumbnail of 2019-04-26_stages vac

thumbnail of 2019-04-25_stages vac

thumbnail of 2019-04-10_GAF-

thumbnail of 2019-04-10_gaf

thumbnail of 2019-04-05_-GAF-

thumbnail of 2019-04-03_GAM

thumbnail of 2019-04-02_danse

thumbnail of 2019-03-20_finales coupes

thumbnail of 2019-03-12_GAf

thumbnail of 2019-03-11_GAM

thumbnail of 2019-03-02_bowling

thumbnail of 2019-03-01_fitness

thumbnail of 2019-02-25_gym

thumbnail of 2019-02-24_sp vac

thumbnail of 2019-02-22_danse c

thumbnail of 2019-02-21_vacances

thumbnail of 2019-02-13_stages

thumbnail of 2019-02-12_stages sportifs

thumbnail of 2019-02-05_gym

thumbnail of 2019-01-22_gym

thumbnail of 2019-01-19_Parkour

thumbnail of 2018-12-30_soupe

thumbnail of 2018-12-23_gouter de Noel

thumbnail of 2018-12-19_cote-jeanton

thumbnail of 2018-12-19_brico

thumbnail of 2018-12-18_soupe

thumbnail of 2018-12-13_soupe

thumbnail of 2018-12-04_brico

thumbnail of 2018-11-21_Brico

thumbnail of 2018-10-29_loisirs crea

thumbnail of 2018-10-28_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-10-25_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-10-13_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-09-06_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-09-03_demo

thumbnail of 2018-09_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 72

thumbnail of 2018-08-28_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-08-24_1sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-07-21_sports vac

thumbnail of 2018-07-19_sports vac

thumbnail of 2018-07-08_fin de saison

thumbnail of 2018-07-03_danse Luce

thumbnail of 2018-06-29_danse cont

thumbnail of 2018-06-27_idees sorties

thumbnail of 2018-06-26_Init

thumbnail of 2018-06-26_gala danse

thumbnail of 2018-06-25_nouvelles activités

thumbnail of 2018-06-22_federal mixte

thumbnail of 2018-06-19_federal mixte

thumbnail of 2018-06-08_chant

thumbnail of 2018-06-05_regionalgaf

thumbnail of 2018-06-05_reg gam

thumbnail of 2018-05-29_fed indiv

thumbnail of 2018-05-27_odyssea

thumbnail of 2018-05-07_cni

thumbnail of 2018-05-02_reg indiv

thumbnail of 2018-05_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 71

thumbnail of 2018-04-23_st GAF

thumbnail of 2018-04-22_spvac velo

thumbnail of 2018-04-10_GAF

thumbnail of 2018-04-10_Danse

thumbnail of 2018-04-03_GAM

thumbnail of 2018-03-27_fip-cni

thumbnail of 2018-03-23_finales coupes

thumbnail of 2018-03-15_rencontre loisir

thumbnail of 2018-03-13_gaf etoiles

thumbnail of 2018-03_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 70

thumbnail of 2018-02-25_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-02-22_sp vac

thumbnail of 2018-02-15_spvac

thumbnail of 2018-02-05_spvac

thumbnail of 2018-02-05_gym

thumbnail of 2018-01-30_brico

thumbnail of 2018-01-29_cote-jeanton

thumbnail of 2018-01-24_gym

thumbnail of 2018-01_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 69

thumbnail of 2017-12-24_gouter Noel

thumbnail of 2017-12-23_soupe sourire

thumbnail of 2017-12-21_soupe sourire –

thumbnail of 2017-12-20_Cycle gym

thumbnail of 2017-12-19_brico noel

thumbnail of 2017-12-12_1er tour coupes

thumbnail of 2017-12-01_FICEP

thumbnail of 2017-11-20_AG

thumbnail of 2017-11-05_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-11-02_stage fscf

thumbnail of 2017-11-01_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-10-31_loto

thumbnail of 2017-10-30_stage fscf

thumbnail of 2017-10-21_prepa loto

thumbnail of 2017-10-15_Steven

thumbnail of 2017-10_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 68

thumbnail of 2017-09-04_sports vac

thumbnail of 2017-09-04_forum hts chy

thumbnail of 2017-09-02_soupe sourire

thumbnail of 2017-08-31_DL ficep

thumbnail of 2017-08-31_Dl entree 2017

thumbnail of 2017-08-27_DL pilates

thumbnail of 2017-08-26_DL spor vac

thumbnail of 2017-07-23_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-07-16_fsports vac

thumbnail of 2017-07-10_fin saison

thumbnail of 2017-07-04_fed gaf

thumbnail of 2017-07-01_gala 1 juill

thumbnail of 2017-07_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 67

thumbnail of 2017-06-27_gala 24 juin

thumbnail of 2017-06-23_portes ouvertes

thumbnail of 2017-06-23_cine-enfants

thumbnail of 2017-06-23_annonce gala

thumbnail of 2017-06-21_JeanXXIII –

thumbnail of 2017-06-21_feddax

thumbnail of 2017-06-17_enfants cine

thumbnail of 2017-06-15_GALA CONT

thumbnail of 2017-06-13_reg gaf

thumbnail of 2017-06-12_danse cont

thumbnail of 2017-06-08_reg gam zoe –

thumbnail of 2017-06-07_regionalgam

thumbnail of 2017-06-02_chant

thumbnail of 2017-06-01_reg –

thumbnail of 2017-05-29_reg

thumbnail of 2017-05-24_fed indiv

thumbnail of 2017-05-22_fed indiv

thumbnail of 2017-05-15_odyssea

thumbnail of 2017-05-10_loto –

thumbnail of 2017-05-10_GAM cni

thumbnail of 2017-05_pub loto

thumbnail of 2017-05_Les Jeunes

thumbnail of 2017-04-24_sports vac

thumbnail of 2017-04-22_sports vac

thumbnail of 2017-04-21_loisirs crea

thumbnail of 2017-04-18_mixte reg indiv

thumbnail of 2017-04-14_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-04-05_GAM ch dep

thumbnail of 2017-04_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 66

thumbnail of 2017-03-28_GAF etoiles

thumbnail of 2017-03-27_GAM CNIFIP

thumbnail of 2017-03-22_coupes hiver

thumbnail of 2017-03-13_renc eveil-loisir

thumbnail of 2017-03-06_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-03-02_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-03_democine

thumbnail of 2017-02-23_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-02-14_sp vac

thumbnail of 2017-02-14_gym gam

thumbnail of 2017-02-13_demo cine

thumbnail of 2017-02-12_demo cine

thumbnail of 2017-02-08_ch cote-jeanton

thumbnail of 2017-02-05_sourire

thumbnail of 2017-02-01_brico

thumbnail of 2017-01-31_gala

thumbnail of 2017-01-10_stages

thumbnail of 2017-01_annonce gala

thumbnail of 2016-12-29_sourire

thumbnail of 2016-12-26_sourire

thumbnail of 2016-12-25_sourire

thumbnail of 2016-12-20_sourire

thumbnail of 2016-12-16_gouter Noel

thumbnail of 2016-12-14_Brico

thumbnail of 2016-12-13_P Laperriere

thumbnail of 2016-12-07_soupe sourire

thumbnail of 2016-12-06_1er tour Coupes

thumbnail of 2016-12_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 64

thumbnail of 2016-11-27_Salome Lazza

thumbnail of 2016-11-27_Monique

thumbnail of 2016-11-22_AG

thumbnail of 2016-11-14_brico

thumbnail of 2016-10-30_stage fscf

thumbnail of 2016-10-30_loisirs crea

thumbnail of 2016-10-28_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-10-27_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-10-15_Pierre Vuillermet

thumbnail of 2016-10-05_Lilian Momper

thumbnail of 2016-10-04_loisirs creatifs

thumbnail of 2016-10_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 63

thumbnail of 2016-09-29_trampo

thumbnail of 2016-09-27_loisirs creatifs

thumbnail of 2016-09-22_pole dance

thumbnail of 2016-09-12_forum

thumbnail of 2016-09-04_rentree encadrants

thumbnail of 2016-08-28_stage FSCF

thumbnail of 2016-08-28_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-08-25_la rentree

thumbnail of 2016-08-24_stage elise

thumbnail of 2016-08-18_SPORTS VAC

thumbnail of 2016-07-17_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-07-05_gaf federal

thumbnail of 2016-07-04_portes ouvertes

thumbnail of 2016-07-01_portes ouvertes

thumbnail of 2016-07_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 62

thumbnail of 2016-07_DL_Hervé

thumbnail of 2016-06-29_gala vero

thumbnail of 2016-06-27_gala elise

thumbnail of 2016-06-27_demo gym

thumbnail of 2016-06-26_recep gam

thumbnail of 2016-06-23_manif

thumbnail of 2016-06-23_gala

thumbnail of 2016-06-21_Nat gam

thumbnail of 2016-06-14_chant

thumbnail of 2016-06-09_reg gaf

thumbnail of 2016-06-01_loto

thumbnail of 2016-06_reg gym1

thumbnail of 2016-06_DL_danse

thumbnail of 2016-05-25_nat indiv gym

thumbnail of 2016-05-18_nat danse

thumbnail of 2016-05-12_nat danse

thumbnail of 2016-05-11_finale cni

thumbnail of 2016-05-05_prepa loto

thumbnail of 2016-05_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 61

thumbnail of 2016-04-26_reg indiv

thumbnail of 2016-04-22_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-04-18_loisir crea

thumbnail of 2016-04-17_loisir crea

thumbnail of 2016-04-13_DL_GAF badges CatII

thumbnail of 2016-04-06_gym GAM

thumbnail of 2016-04-01_sp vac

thumbnail of 2016-03-29_gym cni

thumbnail of 2016-03-23_gym fin coupes

thumbnail of 2016-03-16_gaf etoiles

thumbnail of 2016-03-07_ren eveil loisir

thumbnail of 2016-03_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 60

thumbnail of 2016-02-26_sports vac

thumbnail of 2016-02-26_loto

thumbnail of 2016-02-21_loto

thumbnail of 2016-02-16_bricolage

thumbnail of 2016-02-09_gym

thumbnail of 2016-02-03_federal ski

thumbnail of 2016-01-27_annonce ski

thumbnail of 2016-01-26_gym Dôle

thumbnail of 2016-01-20_loisirs creatifs

thumbnail of 2016-01-06_R Bertoli

thumbnail of 2016-01_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 59

thumbnail of 2015-12-30_soupe

thumbnail of 2015-12-27_soupe

thumbnail of 2015-12-23_soupe

thumbnail of 2015-12-23_cote jeanton

thumbnail of 2015-12-21_soupe

thumbnail of 2015-12-21_soupe (2)

thumbnail of 2015-12-20_gouter

thumbnail of 2015-12-09_GYM

thumbnail of 2015-12-04_GYM

thumbnail of 2015-12-04_Claude Jeanton

thumbnail of 2015-12-03_evenementiel

thumbnail of 2015-11-17_bricolage

thumbnail of 2015-11-07_ag_dan_

thumbnail of 2015-11-06_ag_bea

thumbnail of 2015-11-05_sp vac

thumbnail of 2015-11-02_loisirs_creat

thumbnail of 2015-11-01_AG

thumbnail of 2015-11_INFO SPORT 73 – N° 58

thumbnail of 2015-10-31_sports vac

thumbnail of 2015-10-13_vac toussaint